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Venezuela Crisis - Blog 23.01.2019

Yesterday, at the 11 pm my brothers went out to protest, I told them to please go up to the house, but my sister answered -

What am I going to do in the house ?, I'm hungry, the only thing in the fridge are eggs and if I eat one I take someone else's lunch, I have not eaten fried chicken for more than two years, not even a whole steak for me, the last thing I ate that filled me was a forol, my car stopped more than a year ago because I do not have money for spare parts ... I am desperate, I will continue here on the street you like it or do not.

I was left with the feeling of anguish, and soon I started to check the social networks, there were protests everywhere, and Maduro sent the collectives to dissipate the marches - now they are called - State forces. I felt helpless, knowing that, although I sent money to my mother, father, brothers, it was not enough, I was still limited. My husband's grandparents are like my grandparents, yesterday I called them to let them know that they had deposited the pension in the national card, 2.700 sovereign bolivars, when 12 eggs cost 8.000 and the kilo of meat of the cheapest costs already 24.000.

This situation is unsustainable, the grandparents have lost since August until this year, a total of 25 kilos, sometimes I do not want to visit them, because when I go out crying, even if I help them as much as I can, it is not easy, I would like to have more and help them all. It's too painful, most of us look forward to the 23 as a date of hope, as the change is already fair to all.

  • 12: 20 am. At the end of the workday, I check the social networks and see viral videos of my brother, from the window of my mother's house, where the security forces shoot at the buildings. What a great fear, I kept verifying, protests in all parts of the country.
  • 1: 00 am confirmed dead by gunshot wound from state forces. A boy from 16 years in the San José area quotes - Caracas. I start to cry, my sister calls, that is ugly around the house, people scream and cry.
  • 1: 30 am. Cacerolazos in San Antonio de los Altos. Nobody on the street, peaceful protest.
  • 5: 30 am: mobilization. The area where I live is considered a dormitory city, most people go to work at 5 in the morning, today it was different, everyone concentrated on one point, the bus line did not work today, but they used their buses to transfer all those who wanted to participate in the demonstrations of support to Juan Guaido
  • 7: 00 am. The Globovisión media through its journalists asks the National Armed Forces not to attack the citizens, minutes later, it leaves the air.
  • 8: 00 am: They call me from El Paraíso - Caracas, my sister-in-law sent videos where you can see a large number of people mobilized, all on foot, no vehicular traffic.
  • 8: 30 am: my brother calls me, he tells me that everything is fine at my mother's house, but he was threatened by his boss, he had to go to the march called by the government or he would be fired.
  • 9: 00 am. I check the social networks, and as always limit the internet connections, especially those that we have contracts with CANTV-ABA does not work.
  • 9: 15: the neighbor knocks on the door and asks us to report what happens, she does not have cable TV, in the national channels have not reported anything of today's mobilization in support of Guaidó.
  • 11: 00 am. They call me from El Paraiso, they are repressing the demonstrators, the soldiers are throwing tear gas and pellets.
  • 11: 15 am: my friend calls me from New York, asks if everything is fine at home, she tells me that her sister in Catia has her newborn babies on the floor, because of the amount of tear gas bombs they have thrown.
  • 11: 30 AM: They transmit via twitter the demonstration in Caracas in support of Juan Guaidó.

  • 12: 00 pm. No internet service more than an hour ago, intermittent power failures and light slumps, anxiety begins to do its job, everyone at home we are restless, even the bitch. Nobody has the head to work, the brain asks to be focused on what is happening.
  • 1: 00 pm. The Internet connection falls again, I was in a video call with relatives in Spain, who were at that time demonstrating against the Government of Nicolás Maduro. It was bittersweet, to see that they are far away but so close to returning, they still do not lose faith. I am still waiting for the arrival of Guaidó to the concentration.

2: 00 pm, Juan Guaidó was sworn in, in the presence of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. I started crying when he said the word "JURO".

  • 2: 02 pm. USA recognizes Juan Guaidó as interim president
  • 2: 05 pm, a friend who lives in Argentina writes to me, "I can not believe it, I need it to be true, it's just too good". to which I replied, friend remembers that the universe listens, we will ask for it with faith, for you, for all those who are far away ", she answered with an image, I am waiting for the bus to go to the interview of my possible 4to. work, I have not stopped crying.
  • 2: 31 the security forces arrive at Altamira to retract the march. Those who remain are mostly young, who have fallen to pellets and bombs, armed with sticks, stones, Molotov cocktails, do not stop insisting.
  • 3: 00 pm. Military of the Miliar Circle of Maracay make silent protest, cover the face of Chavez and Maduro.
  • 3: 00 pm Brazil, Paraguay and Canada recognize Juan Guaidó as interim president.
  • 3: 59: Peru recognizes Guaidó as interim president.
  • 4: 00 pm. Mature for national chain, breaks relations with the US, and threatens all US officials who have 72 hours to leave Venezuela.
  • 5: 00 pm, police from the state of Carabobo join protests against the government of Nicolás Maduro. Kosovo recognizes Juan Guaidó as president.
  • 5: 20 pm. Three dead in Barinas reported by protests. The majority are young, all of us who have lived under this government more than half of our lives, some have lost it, others are still here, surviving.
  • 5: 10 pm. It is pronounced Vladimir Padrino:

Despair and intolerance threaten the peace of the Nation. The soldiers of the Homeland do not accept a president imposed in the shadow of obscure interests or self proclaimed outside the law. The FANB defends our Constitution and is guarantor of national sovereignty.

His statements continue to violate the constitution of Venezuela, where he says that the National Armed Forces is an institution without political militancy.

  • 6: 15 pm: they send a list of those arrested for protesting in Nueva Esparta. Every time I read this type of news, I am more amazed at how they can continue to use weapons against peaceful Protestants, in addition, in the Constitution the right to protest is enshrined. It is evident that we live in dictatorship.
  • 6: 40 pm, the list of countries that have expressed their support for Guaidó and Maduro is updated.

  • 6: 50 pm: 14 confirmed dead and 67 arrested nationwide.
  • 7: 20 pm: A young 24 dies for shooting in Táchira.
  • 7: 35 pm: looting begins in several areas of Venezuela, Puerto Ayacucho, San Cristobal, Baninas, Guanare, La Vega- Caracas, some of the towns where these events have occurred. Many do not have to eat, and those who have little are malnourished.
  • 7: 20 pm: Damage wounded in Dairy. I'm still on twitter and other social networks, friends from outside, they send me what I can not see on TV, thanks to the blackouts they burned two televisions, I have no where to see the news.
  • 7: 40 pm: IDB recognizes Juan Guaidó as interim president
  • 8: 04 pm: The troops continue to kill people, Felix Acosta dies of 33 years, in Barcelona. He died expecting to see Venezuela free.
  • 8: 15 pm: Diosdado Cabello, summons the supporters of the government to do vigil in Miraflores.

I do not know what opinion to express about it, if they have to be forced or it is a personal decision. Previously, I was an employee of the public administration, and I can attest that many of Maduro's companions were there for the simple fact of not losing their job, as happened with my brother. It was possible to verify that many of the scenes that were broadcast on the chain during Maduro's speech were videos recorded during marches and rallies years ago.

  • 8: 20 pm: The Democratic Initiative of Spain and the Americas has recognized Juan Guaidó as interim president.
  • 8: 25 pm: National cacerolazo begins.
  • 8: 29 pm: I'm mentally exhausted, I do not know what else to think and see. I feel different, I would like everything to be over, now we have to wait for the decisions of tomorrow, if the change of government happens without problems, or if international forces will have to intervene. This uncertainty is not easy, there are three days in which I have only been able to sleep 4 hours. We are all in the expectation that what happened today will not have been in vain, that it will not make us lose faith that Venezuela will improve, and that Maduro's delegation leaves the posts.

I do not want to leave my country, I have tried in the deepest part of my being to avoid that possibility. But when you see that your life has no future you begin to consider it, and it hurts deeply, I understand now all the people who emigrated and arrived here for all kinds of wars, here a war is lived on a daily basis, here you survive, you do not live .

Today I could see the power of social networks, no televised media could transmit anything of what happened in Venezuela, at least not nationals, we reported by twitter, Instagram and messages from several people in different parts of the world.

I believe that today January 23 we have taken a giant step, I recognize Juan Guaidó as interim president of Venezuela.

8:55 pm: I send the article to the editor Geofumadas. Thanks friend and boss.

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