Those who are traveling, staying where they are, airports closed, my son happy because he will not have his exam. Curfew for more than 24 hours, no business, no work, no solution.
The rest, only a continuity of the same novel in which the extremes, each day polarized more ... after almost three months of his spark. It is dangerous to say something, because the neighbor could be on the other side and it would be terrible to break a relationship of a lifetime because of sincere emotion. The easiest thing is to think that Zelaya or Micheletti (one of the two) is the culprit of everything; Humans are like that, our mind leads us to simplify complex issues and the brain facilitates the puzzle by blaming a person, a small group, a date, a situation or a political party.
In doing a reading of the last 50 years, we are all aware that revolutions are necessary to create precedents and make significant transformations. It would be painful to go through a crisis without creating roots for the necessary changes (because there are) in the face of a social debt that cannot be hidden, pernicious customs of politicians accustomed to doing what they want, limited visions of construction participatory and a gap between reality and what they sell us canned. To create changes you have to write, think, propose, dream ... not just put a red scarf on your face or a white t-shirt (on the outside). The contingency is beyond what Wikipedia mentions, easy to work it out, but it is not so simple to take it into context without being partialized.
Contingency… Contingency differs from the possibility, from a formal point of view, that possibility includes affirmations or propositions that are necessarily true as well as some not necessarily false, whereas it can not be said that a proposition is contingent if it is necessarily true.
Some of us can be behind 105 keys, with the peace of mind that we have not lost the 125 kbps and believe that "they" must solve your problem. But we are also human in a borrowed country, we have sincere family and friends, some breaking their chests with resistance, others with the tank launching jets of water; both, aware of their responsibility and conviction. That is why we cannot stop feeling, because deep down we are brothers and the situation made us defend thoughts that left the tangent at a time that we do not know.
But well, we hope it will not cost us another 12 years of civil war in the meanders of the river Araute, that we do not have to lose more relatives and that once and for all ... these bastards to agree.
After this, we will be grateful for the space that this crisis gave us to propose, and if it is possible to unite neural fragments that make sense, to put together a consistent way out of the needs that could not be hidden in so much noise. We would also appreciate it if some people would step aside and let those who are waiting a place to contribute to work… and of course, I hope to enjoy a barbecue with my neighbor again on Friday night.
That's life, utopian as the last paragraph, real as the first and exciting as the moment I pressed the "publish" button ... just 4 minutes before the power went off.
good I think that micheletti is trash and the power does not correspond, it is not right on his part not want to leave the legitimate president of Honduras end his time, I do not know that he expects to realize that he is doing damage to the people he supports Manuel Zelaya and making it more difficult to solve.
Now that the situation in Honduras is further aggravated, I feel that I can not stop expressing my opinion regarding these very serious facts.
1) The Beginning: Taking a president of the government palace in pajamas and taking him by helicopter to Costa Rica (if I recall) is, in my opinion, a coup d'etat here and in Cochinchina. That if it was good or bad, I leave it aside, not because I do not have an opinion about it; but not to move the waters of this restless sea that surrounds us.
2) The Situation Created: There are two sides in conflict and their clashing increasingly harsh have become in a Civil War; terrible term for what it brings: death and destruction.
3) What can happen: Two things amaze me: First, that Micheleti threatens Brazil and threatens to enter its embassy, knowing that this attitude is like an invasion and/or declaration of “war”. Second, that the now famous "Mel" Zelaya call his followers for the "final offensive" with absolute irresponsibility and knowing that the bloodshed would be even greater.
Dear G!, those who you call "bastards" with all propriety will not agree, simply because the political class lacks DETACHMENT. Their ambitions and interests are much more powerful. And look that inequality, poverty, marginalization exist. But how many uphold the defense of inequalities and commit abuses of all kinds. Just as they are committed by those who believe themselves to be full-fledged democrats and who knows what kind of "Illuminatis" dictate what they have to do.
And regarding children ... I believe and will always believe that by explaining to them the importance of moral values, honesty and what we say here Decency, the world can still have a chance to be what all people of good will have always dreamed of. .
Finally, I leave you with the verses of Leon Gieco that the “black” Mercedes Sosa sings so emotionally:
I only ask God
that the war is not indifferent to me,
Is a big monster and stomp
All the poor innocence of the people.
Greetings from Peru
people who are involved in demonstrations in Honduras that carry children and who take minors or older people who do not even run can they do there are looking for something to happen to them at the expense of children reach the power of new the delinquent who violated the political constitution of Honduras, when he had been the first Zelaya who should have respected it that is expected of the other delinquents. but as the corrupt support the corrupt and this is supported by chave chavez insult and other company from the south.
congratulations to the Honduran people's Honduran government
resist and fight for a democratic and non-dictatorial country like fidel chavez and company.
I agree with what Gerardo says, that children do not "unlearn" ways of resolving conflicts... and also that, as you say, those who do not contribute or "disorder" move away, that society itself can decide, that change be created now that there is a forced space and that you and the society that surrounds you can continue transmitting, working, sharing with the neighbor, with the family and with all of us who read you from all over the world...
Greetings from Iberia ...
Hello G !, just wish you and yours a lot of luck and that everything will end soon and well for all.
Back ... I express the same thing as last time, I hope the children do not see or hear violent events so that they never again think that it is a method of change, of fixing something, as adults usually think.