Geofumed – GIS – CAD – BIM resources

March is over, with curious facts

March is a good month for the growth of blogs, many students looking for homework, a small fall in Easter ... but it's good to win audience.

13,353 assure me that I'm better than hace unos months.

Google statistics geofumadas

I take this opportunity to honor those who have earned it, the sites that have brought me the most visits this month are:

1. Google. Nor mode, the people who arrive asking easy subjects like: how to download the images of Google Earth? even those who launch: in Google Earth pro are the images in real time? ... I hope you have found answers this article… Y this article...

2. Cartesia.  The position of the entries in the cartesia portal are a guarantee of almost 50 daily visits, nothing bad because between Google and Cartesia I almost have the 75% visits.

3. Direct. It means the loyal visitors, who have added the blog in the favorite pages or who write it directly. 794 between 30 days is consistent with the subscribers I had in the middle of the month, although I do not know if the subscribers.

4. Live.  I encourage Mr. Bill Gates ... that is not the same as Gay Vil.

5. Engineering in the network.  This blog is sure to have gained good traffic lately, with its theme AutoCAD 2009, it is one of my favorite among those who They bind me. And thank you that you mentioned me, you see how many visits this month brought me.

6.  msn. Look, Don Bill, we Hispanics don't like you very much, but if you gave us something who knows ...

7.  Yahoo. And hit Don Bill ...

8. View Forum Posts. This is one of the forums about geomatics more respectable at the Hispanic level, also brings me visits.

9. Blogalaxia Peru. This is one Blog network, with a lot of presence among our Peruvian friends, subscribing to the blog there can bring you visits.

10. Constructive. Another blog network ... and something else. To know more about them, I recommend that you read the review in Engineering Blog.

While keywords, which are the only guarantee that Google will be able to index a blog while they are used in a natural way, they have increased traffic through search engines. Here are the top ten words visitors came for this month:

AutoCAD 2009. This is the theme of the year, if you want to gain traffic ... talk about it, yes Monetize With AdSense, that word will grow in price. If you use misleading words and have no content on AutoCAD ... your CTR will go to peak.

Geofumadas. As there are those who instead of saving the blog among their favorites, they better write it in Google ... although that has caused them to lose some pennies paid to AdWords.

Arcmap. Well, the generic ESRI users topic, 37 pOst on it already brings visitors.

ArcGIS Terrain Modeling. Sorry, because I have not written anything about it, only with Microstation y AutoCAD... although possibly it does, since I see that many have interest in seeing how it is done.

AutoCAD 2009 in Spanish. This is for all those who are desperate to spend $ 4,000 on a license of AutoCAD

Microstation.  Finally I have enough post about Microstation (36 for now), that visitors are already using the generic word.

Evolution of the continents. I wrote A single post about it, using Google Earth ... and it seems that he stuck with the task that they leave to the boys in sixth grade.

UTM Coordinates. Well that topic has been preferred lately.

Download AutoCAD 2009. Don't be like that ... BEST buy it ...

Google Hert. Many people come for those words, which I have written a couple of times, aware that many Spanish-speakers still confuse the heart issues with geomatics.

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