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Evolution of the Multi-Land Cadastre for sustainable development in Latin America

This is the title of the Seminar that will be held in Bogotá, Colombia, the dates 2 to the 26 of November of 2018, organized by the Colombian Association of Cadastral Engineers and Geodests ACICG.

Interesting proposal, in which a great effort has been made to bring together national and international speakers from the institutional, academic and private sectors on the subject of Cadastre; Surely one of the challenges will be the realization of summaries and systematization of the knowledge presented. Although the name of the seminar is ambitious seeking a vision of Latin America, the seminar comes at a valuable juncture in this tropical country that is experiencing a fever for the modernization of land administration with the coincidence of different cooperation projects, academic initiatives, private companies and the challenge to maintain the balance due to the technical-technological validity with that of maintaining the management of the territory in its initial objective: to create better services to the citizen.

Objectives of the event:

Create a space for participation and interaction of professionals and people linked to the issues of multi-purpose cadastre, which allows the evaluation of the dynamics, as well as the implementation of new technologies in the attainment of the information to be incorporated into the systems that consolidate and administer the data from the multi-purpose cadastre.

Strengthen academic processes and create a space for participation and national and international projection of professionals linked to the cadastral and property management processes.

The agenda of Tuesday 23 of October.

Seminar installation
Ing. José Luis Valencia Rojas - President ACICG
William F. Castrillón C. - Academic Vice-Rector UDFJC
Ing. Eduardo Contreras R. Secretary of the Environment-Government of Cundinamarca
Arq. Andrés Ortiz Gómez District Secretary of Planning
Cesar A. Carrillo V. Secretary of Planning Government of Cundinamarca

Data or infrastructure? - Where to start a cadastral modernization project.
Ignacio Duran Boo - Spain

Vision of Cadastre and registry integration with process approach.
Golgi Alvarez -Honduras - Fabian Mejía -Colombia

Use of Blockchain for the extension of official documents in Haarlem-Holland.
Jan Koers - Netherlands

Integration of information for Socioeconomic Planning and territorial of Bogotá.
Antonio José Avendaño - Colombia.

Use of information from the Superintendence of Notarial and Registry: Automation of name changes, englobes and desenglobes.
Olga Lucia López- Colombia

Towards a land administration using maps and applications that connect the cadastre and the community through ArcGis
Reinaldo Cartagena

Comparison of the metrics used in countries where the IDB has developed the multipurpose cadastre methodology (Bolivia case).
Sandra Patricia Méndez López-Colombia

Agenda of Wednesday 23 of October

Professionalism in terms of cadastral valuation.
Manuel Alcázar - Spain

The cadastre and legal security in land tenure as a requirement for rural development.
Felipe Fonseca - Colombia

Vision and role of the private sector in the Multi-Land Cadastre.
Carlos Niño - Colombia

Strengthening of public finances and project development, with land management tools.
José Insuasti - Colombia

Impact of decentralization on the maintenance of cadastral information and its link with academia.
Dante Salvini - Switzerland

Data interoperability through the implementation of the LADM-COL model for multipurpose cadastre.
Sergio Ramírez and Germán Carrillo - Colombia

GNSS spatial geodesy, sustainable development and multipurpose cadastre in Colombia: achievements and challenges.
Héctor Mora - Colombia

Multi-purpose Cadastre of Quebec (Canada): Fundamental role of the professional order.
Orlando Rodríguez - Canada

The Multipurpose Cadastre: Basis for the Formalization of rural property.
Yovanny Martínez - Colombia

Diary of the Thursday 24 of October.

Map of socio-environmental sensitivity for hydrocarbons.
Carlos Ernesto García Ruiz - Colombia

Advantages of a good cadastre, for land management in the hydrocarbon sector.
Jorge Delgado - Colombia

Models Extended from LADM as a tool for land use planning.
Moises Poyatos -España and Alejandro Tellez - Colombia

The new role of the Cadastral Engineer in the transformation of the cadastral model. From orthodox to multipurpose.
Diego Erba - Argentina

Simulation models of the valuation derived from public interventions.
Everton Da Silva - Brazil

Mission and Vision of Cadastral Engineering in the Multipurpose Cadastre Process (Law 1753/15).
Oscar Fernando Torres C. - Colombia

Agent-Based Models for a multipurpose cadastre - Cadastre 5D.
Edwin R. Pérez C. - Colombia

Progress and challenges in the implementation of the cadastre policy multipurpose
Oscar Gil - Colombia

The multipurpose cadastre in Colombia: A perspective from the Cadastral Authority - Agustín Codazzi Geographical Institute.
Oscar Ernesto Zarama - Colombia

Cadastre in Colombia: Past, present and ... future?
José Luis Valencia Rojas - Colombia

Closing of the Event
Dance Group of the District University "Francisco José de Caldas"

In short, these events are more than urgent to create spaces for reflection and alignment of the initiatives that surely all carry on their best intentions but that in practice it is not easy to materialize in the best way in time and efficiency. And although it is not the obligation of the event organizers, due to the interest that this presents for the other countries in the context -for reasons of effectiveness of the effort made- if, apart from the provision of the contents, it is possible to document the conclusive aspects and to seek spaces where there may be a thread of continuity for its use in decision-making, it would be the best that the seminar could contribute.

The headquarters will be in the Government of Cundinamarca, Antonio Nariño Auditorium at Calle 26 # 51-53. Bogota Colombia.  Here the event website.

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