Editing Objects with AutoCAD - Section 4

17.14 Display Order

When an object with shading (as will be seen in Chapter 20) is created over another object, for example, a text object, it covers it by affecting the presentation. One solution is to locate the objects of different categories in different layers (as will be seen later), but another solution, simpler, is that the user can decide which objects are behind or above others. To change the display order of the objects, select the object to modify with a click and then use one of the options in the drop-down button of the modify section. Of that button it is necessary to emphasize the Text command, which is used to put the text and dimension objects above the rest of the objects, as well as the one that, by definition, puts all the objects with shading behind the rest.

17.15 Undo changes

Like many programs for Windows, Autocad also has an Undo button. In this case it is located in the quick access toolbar, which works as we already know, reversing the last change we have made.
However, there is also an Undo command that we can type in the command window, which will give us additional options to control the override of the changes.
The default option allows you to indicate the number of changes to be canceled, so you do not need to revert changes one at a time with the button or the menu.

In turn, the Control option allows modifying the behavior of the Undo command with the following suboptions:

- All. It is the active option and allows Autocad to undo the changes consecutively.
- Any. Disables the Undo command, even missing the possibility of reversing changes prior to the choice of None.
- A. Limit the Undo effect to only the last change.
- To combine. If we activate this option, Autocad combines in a single the consecutive operations of Zoom and frame so that we can undo them in a single step.
- Cap. In a similar way to the previous option, the consecutive operations that we can do in the dialog box that controls the layers (and that we will see in a dedicated chapter) are combined into one, and then they can be reversed with a single application of the Undo command .

The Start and Finish options consider all changes to the drawing as a single operation and can thus reverse it. That is, if you use the Undo-Start command and continue drawing and then Undo-End, all operations performed in the meantime can be undone by invoking the command once.
In a similar way, the option Marca works, which places precisely a mark in the sequence of changes that we make in the drawing. If we then use the Undo command and its Return option, Autocad will cancel all the changes until it reaches the mark.
The difference between Start-End and Mark-Return is that the first applies only once. That is, once the Undo-End option is used, the following changes will not have a specific start. On the other hand, it is possible to establish a Brand, which will remain there, then another and another, all that is needed in our drawing. When using Return, Autocad will revert all the changes made up to the first mark found. If we redo Undo-Return, it will go to the next one and so on. As can be easily concluded, these options are a good alternative when working in Autocad is creative (such as the design phase of a new product) and will involve the continuous use of changes and attempts of lines that will then be eliminated for Try others.
Finally, the Auto-Act option resets the Undo command to its usual behavior.

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