AutoCAD Basics - Section 1

2.7 The status bar

The status bar contains a series of buttons whose utility we will be reviewing gradually, what is worth noting here is that its use is as simple as using the mouse cursor over any of its elements.

Alternatively, we can activate or deactivate its buttons with the menu of the status bar.

2.8 Other Interface Elements

2.8.1 Quick view of open drawings

This is an interface element that is activated with a button on the status bar. It shows a thumbnail view of the open drawings in our work session and its use is as simple as pressing the button.

2.8.2 Quick view of presentations

As you can see, each open drawing has at least 2 presentations, although you can have many more, as we will study at the time. To see these presentations for the current drawing, click the button that accompanies the one we just studied.

2.8.3 Toolbars

An inheritance of previous versions of Autocad is the presence of a large collection of toolbars. Although they are falling into disuse due to the ribbon, you can activate them, locate them somewhere in the interface and use them in your work session if that seems more comfortable. To see which bars are available for activation, we use the "View-Windows-Toolbars" button.

You can create a particular arrangement of toolbars in its interface, even add some panels and windows, which we will refer to later, then you can lock these items on the screen so as not to accidentally close them. This is what the "Block" button on the status bar is for.

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