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8.2 Editing Text Objects


From chapter 16 onwards we deal with subjects that have to do with the edition of the drawing objects. However, we must see here the tools available for editing the text objects we just created since their nature differs from that of other objects. As you will see later, we may be interested in extending a line, chamfering the edges of a polygon, or simply rotating a spline. But in the case of text objects, the need for its transformation may arise immediately after its creation, so we have to make this exception with regard to editing issues if we want to maintain the methodological principle of going from the simple to the Complex and linking issues by their logical relationships. Let's see.

If we must modify the text of a line, then we can double-click on the text, or write the “Ddedic” command. When activating the command, Autocad asks us to indicate with a selection box the object to be edited, by doing so, the object will be circumscribed in a rectangle and with the cursor ready so that we can modify the text in the same way as we do with any processor of words. If we double-clicked with the mouse, we immediately go to the edit box.

In the “Text” group of the “Annotate” tab we have two buttons that also serve to edit the objects of a line. The "Scale" button, or its equivalent, the "Text scale" command, allows you to change the size of several text objects in one step. The reader will discover very soon that virtually all editing commands, like this one, the first thing Autocad asks us is that we designate the object or objects to modify. You will also get used to that, once the objects are indicated, we will finish the selection with the “ENTER” key or the right mouse button. In this case, we can select one or several lines of text. Next, we must indicate a base point for climbing. If we press “ENTER”, without selecting, then the insertion point of each text object will be used. Finally, we will have before us the four options to change the size in the command window: the new height (which is the default option), specify the height of the paper (which applies to text objects with annotative property, which we will study later), match based on existing text, or indicate a scale factor. As we could see in the previous video.

For its part, the "Justify" button, or the "Textjustif" command, allows us to change the insertion point of the text without it moving on the screen. In this case, the options in the command window are the same as we presented before and, therefore, the implications of their use are also the same. Anyway, let's take a look at this editing option.

Until now, perhaps the reader has already noticed the absence of elements that allow you to choose some type of letter from the wide catalog that Windows usually has, also the lack of tools to put bold, italic, and so on. What happens is that these possibilities are controlled by Autocad through the "Text Styles", which we will see next.

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