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9 Magazines in the geomatic environment

The way things are communicated has changed a lot with the evolution of Knowledge Management Systems.  Fossil Talking about magazines today is not the same as 25 years ago, the variety of formats has given greater wealth and every day the printed or static versions are abandoned by learning communities. All this contributes so that the information is available for longer, for less cost although it is also true that it is de-updated with greater speed. As an example, I leave you a quick list of 9 magazines that should be included in our repertoire to keep informed of what is happening in this geospatial world. Sure there are more, at the end there are another 18 that are no less important, although the format, context and surely there are more.

Geoinformatics. Cover-GEO710With great influence among large software and equipment companies. They publish a printed and digital version in those new formats that Flash has popularized, with a frequency of 8 copies a year.For the Dutch environment and in their own language CMedia publishes GISMagazine, as a local version. Subscribing is a great investment, it only costs one click and an email is received every time a new issue is released.

GIM International. Issues_cover_51 Like the previous one, they have an origin in the context Geofumadofrom Holland. It is produced by Geomares, with more alliances, although with the disadvantage that the online editions do not include all the content of the printed version. Of course, it is published every month and has a larger writing team. subscribe, What happens in the world GIS insurance will come out by GIM International.


Geospatial World. 76d8fb_gw-nov10-coverThis magazine, born in Asia in the technological boom in India, is very diverse and well positioned in that region. Includes various editions including GeoIntelligence, GIS Development and specific versions for Africa, Middle East, Asia Pacific and Malaysia. They can go down Pdf versions of different years and there is also option to subscribe To your news.


Geo World. GEO1010_240pxWEBThis is based in the United States, and therefore its primary focus is on this market. Although it is of the magazines with greater diffusion in the geospatial subject. It is possible to browse in the version online flash and also subscribe.


GEO Connexion.mag1 Born in the United Kingdom, there is a specific edition for this environment called GEOconnexion UK with five copies a year, and one called Geo: which is of international character with 10 copies per year. On line you can see some articles, the rest only paid by subscription.


InfoGEO. Infogeo_spa_05Of the biggest in the western environment, produced by MundoGEO that more than a magazine is a complete learning community and associated services.

There is also InfoGNSSfrom the same publishing house. It is published in English, Portuguese and of the few -Almost the only- in Spanish, very well positioned in the flourishing economy of Brazil.

Starting with 2012, InfoGEO and InfoGNSS are a single magazine called World With a printed and digital distribution.


Coordinates. Coordinates_oct2010 (1) This is a monthly magazine, based in India and therefore with a positioning in that region where the technological issue is a booming promise.

Mapping magazine

Mapping  This journal has a bimonthly periodicity, its scope is Spanish-speaking, with main emphasis in Central America and the Caribbean.



FOSSGIS. It started in 2011, in the Portuguese language, with great potential in the Portuguese language market. Very interesting for its broad approach between proprietary solutions and Open Source.

Apart from the above, there are other magazines, some with the traditional format and others under the model of information managers popularized by the Internet. The following list includes some owned by software providers such as AutoDesk, Bentley, and ESRI.

Microstation Today. Magazine promoted by Axiomint, with solutions for AutoCAD and Microstation users.

Imaging Notes. With greater emphasis on remote sensing.

Earth Imaging Journal (EIJ). Also although with greater breadth.

Geomedia. This is an Italian magazine with geospatial orientation.

Directions Magazine. Under the format of digital magazines, it includes a version in Spanish and associated blogs.

Vector Media. With a different approach, but is always present at CAD / GIS technologies events.

GIS User. A bit of everything, with some disorder in its format but with good positioning on the GIS issue.

Land Surveyors. A digital edition oriented to the field of topography.

Professional Surveyor. Printed monthly publication, with positioning in the United States.

Point of Begining. Topography magazine with many years, Delivery to Italy takes one or two business days For some strategic partners.

OSGeo Journal. News in the field of Open Source geospatial technologies.

EARTH. It's a magazine that was previously called GeoTimes, with a focus more on the field of geography. ASM. Asian Surveying and Mapping, is a magazine positioned in the Far East, broad in GIS, CAD, CAM topics.

GPS World. This has a focus on global positioning teams. Your subscription is free for companies and strategic partners.

Technology & more. Magazine promoted by Trimble, very suitable for users of this type of equipment.

ArcNews. ESRI company magazine, with information related to its products, use cases and some useful topics for ArcView users and families.

AUGI AEC Edge. This magazine maintains its focus on AutoDesk products. Very useful for users of AutoCAD and other solutions of this company.

BE Current. Formerly called BE Magazine, it is a magazine for users of Microstation and other Bentley Systems solutions.

Are there others?


  • g! July, 2011 at

    Thanks Luis for the link, it will check if there is a future update.

    … Updated!

  • Sadeck July, 2011 at

    To add to the list you still have FOSSGIS Brazil.

    Congratulations on the excellent list of periodicals.

    A hug

  • g! November, 2010 at

    Yes, I think it's because it's an old version of WordPress MU on which the Cartesian blogs are assembled. In these versions the cache was cleaned as in the recent ones.

    Myself happens to me, while we think of how to migrate to a new one, which is not so close to the corner, the only way to survive with Geofumadas is by using Shift + F5

    all the best

  • Anonymous November, 2010 at


    Most of the time I have problems to see your blog. Both in FF com in IE 7, part of the last entry is loaded, but nothing more. I take it that now you can enter to leave a comment to tell you.

    Emilio of

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