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6 days that have changed our lives

The last few days have been so different, one from the other. Each one has had a different flavor, a shame that the taste is so polarized, while the sweet turns sour for some, in others it happens the other way around. For everyone, the background flavor is of gall, like I'm not an ideologist nor is this my subject, I tell the six days leaving the post in the wrong category for not having a policy. 

tegus2 Day 1. On Thursday we were a free, sovereign republic, they say independent, unknown to many people little shower on cartography, as when they tell us where Togo is and we have a bad memory of the sixth grade. At noon I went home, because it was risky to walk down the street, it seemed absurd to think that this could happen in such a routine city, if custom can be called that due to the imminent vulnerability of the rainy season.

Day 2. On Friday we became disagreeable with the Organization of American States, where the Permanent Council meeting was surprised by the threats declared by the ambassador to this body, unanimously acknowledging that things seemed to be going very badly. I got bored at home, with nothing to do, with the kids at school and not wanting to write ... it is difficult to enjoy an obligatory holiday, when there are not many plans and a lot to do at the office, I went for a run and wrote a omen of the subject.

Day 3. On Saturday I passed in front of the presidential house to eat a donut, and I could see all the movement that the inland mayors had surprised me with, it all sounded so exciting, although the fear of what could happen the next day was intriguing. I visited my friend Buendía and over a few drinks he told me some oracles in the style of Captain Haddock in “The Three Unicorns”. It was good to take a look at the Will Smith movie "Seven Pounds" and dream that there are good people in this world, for a moment I thought if everyone in this country did this once.

Day 4.  On Sunday a large part of the world knew what was transmitted abroad, that there are still people who live in barbarism, and Hugo Chávez assured that he will invade this nation at any cost. We had no Internet, no electricity, no state telephony. It was not possible to leave the house, other than to fill the fuel tank in a long line and buy canned food at the supermarket, just in case. It rained like in Macondo, a bridge succumbed in the north and from that day on we had a curfew from 9 at night.

_MG_5505 Day 5.  On Monday we lived an afternoon of riots, people in the streets with sticks, stones, I could not even get to the store where I wanted to buy a orthopedic bed, then for the first time on a Monday, in a long time I did not go to work, just because had to go. The SICA Central American Integration System declared that we had to close our commercial borders, and my favorite place to eat a donut was inaccessible, I found it on Facebook with a signal similar to the ones I saw in my school in the second grade, I do not remember it but that one of my eight years yes: "28 Popular Leagues of February".

14526 Day 6.  On Tuesday, a large crowd gathered in the park, and while they declared from their hearts the best of their intentions, the United Nations Organization UN declared that they will do everything possible to intervene in this country, among them the United States that manifested itself “co- sponsor of the action ”. I was pleased to see the passion of all this crowd, although my friend from the little gold fishes made one of his philosophies after the third rum: "I wonder if we released twelve gang members with tattoos on their foreheads, how many of these people will remain in the vicinity" It amused me but it made me wonder if our leaders have the time to convince the whole world in less than 72 hours.

What can I say, from the almost boring tranquility I have come to realize that the innocent peace of a country that has not had a conventional civil war is valuable. ”. Now the whole world condemns what happened here, although you have to be in the capital to have one of the two existing positions and work with 3 rural municipalities at once to find out what they think inland. In summary, the two main positions are simplified in geographical coordinates rounded to minutes: the first that there was a coup, the other a constitutional succession. Either way, they both provoke that feeling the day after the literal loss of virginity.

This is how exciting this life is, gentlemen, in six days the lives of more than 7 million people have changed who surely go through such feelings, plus the sum of intrigue of their relatives and friends abroad to whom it has been difficult for me to explain what what is happening here. I only know that we are going to come out well with this, and that the entire country will have to undergo a transformation that will end in a better condition of life and maturity; We just hope it's not painful and that it happens once and for all.

What will happen 7 day, will be as exciting as 8 and the rest of the year until the 28 elections of November, my stance is neutral for writing for a more international audience than local and before whom I do not want to show my personal opinion because while I talked the subject with my friend of Macondo, I realize that he has as many pedals as the grand piano in my adolescence; It is not only political, but economic, it is legal, now geopolitical, we all agree that it is social and what worries me the most is ideological. It would be tragic if all this natural chaos does not produce significant transformations, because then we could suffer it for 20 years as happened with our closest neighbors at a higher cost than the internet or cable drop twice a day.

Greetings Hondurans, as you can see, not only when the team beats Mexico (which is not many times) can patriotism be demonstrated. If you can passionately demonstrate it now, do so, as long as you don't harm the integrity of others. To the rest of the world, thank you for your prayers.


  • Alvaro July, 2009 at




    The day was relatively calm in Tegucigalpa and the rest of the country. Demonstrations continue to be held in many parts of the country, both in favor and against the ousting of President Zelaya. The most significant gatherings occurred today in the northern town of Ceiba and in the southern town of Choluteca, both in support of Micheletti's government. No significant incidents were reported.

    A pacific demonstration of 250 people was held this evening in front of the UN House to protest against the position taken by the Organization on the recent events, demanding that the organization hear their voices and support democracy in Honduras.

    Mr. Micheletti appointed today Ministers, bringing his cabinet to 90% completion. Some of them members of President Zelaya's government.

    The Supreme Court of Justice issued a special communiqué (annexed) for the national and international community, signed by all the judges, in which it explains the legal basis for the actions taken by the judicial institutions in the recent days, including the arrest and expulsion of President Zelaya. Paragraph 8 of the communiqué, in particular, states that the warrant of arrest issued by the Court against President Zelaya had remained secret until now.

    The Armed Forces also issued a press note (annexed) in which they justified their constitutional actions.

    The National Commissioner for Human Rights, who supports the new government, has proposed to hold a referendum to ask the Honduran people whether they agree or not with the reinstatement of President Zelaya. Such solution seems, however, unfeasible both in legal and practical terms.

    Public declarations by certain public officials, especially the appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs, are escalating in tone against the OAS, the UN and foreign interference in general, and with much stronger emphasis against President Chavez of Venezuela.

    Public media (radio, tv, newspapers) generally support the new government and the organization of entrepreneurs (COHEP) has also issued a statement of support for this. Certain media (TV channels and radio stations) that were pro-Zelaya, however, remain closed or with limited transmissions.

    Explosives devices were thrown yesterday from a private vehicle against the buildings of the Supreme Court and the General Attorney, causing no victims.


    The OAS General Assembly approved a resolution this morning condemning the coup d'etat, reaffirming that that Manuel Zelaya is the constitutional President of Honduras and instructing the Secretary General to undertake diplomatic initiatives aimed at restoring democracy and the rule of law and the reinstatement of President Zelaya, threatening to suspend Honduras' membership should these initiatives prove unsuccessful. The OAS Representative informed us that the SG will soon visit Honduras, accompanied by representatives of other countries (not Presidents).

    Based on the above, President Zelaya (now in Panama) has announced his decision to postpone his return to Honduras until next Saturday.

    The donors' coordination group in Honduras (G-16) met today at the United Nations to review the situation. Spain, Italy and France informed that their Ambassadors have been recalled for consultations. Germany informed that the departure of its Ambassador was only due to the end of mission. IDB and BCIE have suspended disbursements; the WB is in a similar situation although for legal reasons it can not use the word "suspension". Other cooperation programs have not been formally halted but everyone has received instructions to avoid contacts with the new government.

    The Honduran Ambassadors to the US and the EU appeared to have "switched sides" as they denied today that coup had taken place in Honduras. President Zelaya has announced their destitution. Meanwhile, Mr. Micheletti's Minister of Foreign Affairs has recalled the Ambassadors to the UN and OAS. Both organizations however have clearly stated that they would not recognize other representatives.


    The Congress has approved Decree signed yesterday by Mr. Micheletti by which, pursuant to art. 187 of the Constitution, the curfew (now 10pm to 5am) is extended for 3 more days. Several rights are restricted during curfew hours, including the rights to personal freedom, free movement, free association and reunion, prohibition of arbitrary arrest. This has raised serious concerns among social and human rights organizations as they fear that this will facilitate repression by the army and the police against Mr. Zelaya's supporters.

    Unconfirmed reports continue to circulate about alleged abuses by the police and the armed forces, especially in rural areas, including arbitrary arrests, forced recruitment of youngsters, closing of local radio channels. The UN Resident Coordinator is in constant contact with the regional office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to inform the situation.


    The UN offices were vacated this afternoon as a precautionary measure, due to the above-mentioned demonstration.

    Phase II continues to be in effect countrywide. The UN continues to work with essential staff only.

  • Thomas July, 2009 at

    The Winner in Honduras: Chávez

    Published: June 30, 2009

    IN the weeks leading up to Honduras's coup, President Manuel Zelaya,
    an ally of Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, knew what he was doing. In
    pushing the limits of democracy by trying to force constitutional
    I will set the trap for the
    military The military fell for it, turning into an unpopular president who
    was nearing the end of his term into an international cause célèbre.

    Although the coup has popular support in Honduras, it has also allowed
    Mr. Chávez, who is leading the international response, to claim the
    moral high ground. The coup leaders, who were trying to prevent Mr.
    Chávez from bringing Honduras into his fold, may end up giving him
    more strength in the region.

    Mr. Chávez quickly came out in support of Mr. Zelaya. I have threatened
    Honduras with military action and went to Nicaragua, where a meeting
    of the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas, the Caracas-led
    alliance born as an alternative to the American-led Free Trade Area of
    the Americas, was the perfect opportunity to take charge of the Latin
    American pro-Zelaya effort.

    The Organization of American States later condemned the coup (other
    Latin American governments followed suit) and its general secretary
    flew to Nicaragua, where a regional regional meeting was arranged. Mr.
    Mr. Zelaya to that gathering, even
    welcoming him at the airport in Nicaragua's capital, Managua.

    Across the Spanish-language news media, the recurring image of the
    last two days has been that of Mr. Chávez and his allies working
    furiously for Honduran democracy. The United States' more measured
    response, and the low-profile stance taken by some South American
    governments, have been lost amid the high-stakes campaign launched by
    Venezuela's leader.
    This is not what Honduras's establishment, horrified by Mr. Chávez's
    increasing influence, intended when it got rid of Mr. Zelaya. It is
    a surreal turn of events for those who followed the career
    of the deposed president. A member of Honduras's landed oligarchy, Mr.
    Zelaya came to power in 2006 as the leader of the Liberal Party, to
    center-right organization. He was a product of the establishment: an
    heir to the family fortune, he had devoted decades to his agriculture
    and forestry enterprises, supported the Central America Free Trade
    Agreement with the United States, and ran for president on a
    conservative platform, promising to be tough on crime and to cut the

    Around halfway into his term, however, Mr. Zelaya had an apparent
    ideological epiphany and became an admirer of Mr. Chávez. I have signed a
    deal for a generous oil subsidy from Venezuela; last year he
    incorporated Honduras into the Bolivarian Alternative for the
    Americas. Soon enough, power went to his head.

    The general elections scheduled for November began to creep up, Mr.
    Zelaya decided to hold a referendum with the ultimate aim of allowing
    him to seek re-election. The move violated articles of the
    Constitution that forbid changes to the presidential limit of one
    four-year term and establish the legal procedure for constitutional
    amendments. The electoral court, the Supreme Court, the attorney
    General, Congress and members of his own party declared Mr. Zelaya's
    intention unlawful. Then, on Sunday, the military stepped in.

    The ideal solution would be for Mr. Zelaya to return to power and
    leave office next year, when his successor takes over. However, it is
    doubtful that the coup leaders will back down. It is also unlikely
    that, if he were triumphantly reinstated, Mr. Zelaya would give up his
    re-election scheme. All of this almost guarantees a period of
    illegitimate rule in Honduras - and of incessant exploitation of the
    situation by Mr. Chávez, the unlikely champion of Jeffersonian
    democracy in Latin America. Alvaro Vargas Llosa is a senior fellow of
    the Independent Institute and the editor of "Lessons from the Poor."

  • Alejandro Higareda R. July, 2009 at

    Dude, I'm writing from Mexico.

    I came to your blog looking for information about BitCad (I can't find the "FIND" function that I had in Autocad) until I reviewed your last post I found out several things:
    1.- You are in Honduras.
    2.- You are an expert in CAD (or at least you look like me)
    3.- You hate politicians.
    4.- Your country is passing those of Cain.
    5.- You dedicate yourself to work, not to do politics or "grid" (as we say in Mexico)

    And other things, but since I already have to get to work ... I'll tell you:

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge, you help many of us… I don't quite understand what is happening in Honduras, what's more, I don't know much about Honduras (I don't think anything…excuse me…). But I know that if the Hondurans want this or that ruler or form of government, neither the UN nor the USA nor anyone should force them. Anyway. That sounds like pure demagoguery. Pure leftist rhetoric. We all know that if a president (especially Latin American) does not suit the USA he will be invaded by "blue helmets", "marines" or something like that.

    Good luck and I do not know how we can support you but you will.

    Greetings and thank you very much.

  • Gerardo Paz July, 2009 at

    That's why in another post I told you about what happened in Argentina in 2001. Basically it was the same as in Honduras; the people did not want the President to finish his mandate. But they (all politicians) were careful to follow the "Constitutional" steps for the case, that is, the Legislative Chambers met, the President was convinced that resigning was the best thing he could do. Especially after he sent the Police to repress a demonstration in which there were deaths. For those acts, he is still being judged today... The thing is that in theory, the power of the people was transferred, according to the established constitutional mechanisms, to another person not directly elected by the people. No military in the street. Then there were elections and all friends...
    It is more than clear that after the terrible dictatorships that devastated Latin America, there is no possibility or space for military violence to be used. The use of the military is something so unacceptable today that even the United States itself – which has promoted and sustained every dictatorship there was in Latin America in the past – has a law that clearly states that it will not support any government that emerges from a military coup. . The OAS does the same thing, that's why they insist that Zelaya come back and fix everything behind closed doors. Even the European Economic Community "is in a bind" since by its own laws they could not recognize anyone after what happened in Honduras. Like the rest of the Latin American countries that expressed themselves in those terms, such as Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, etc. etc. (Yes, not only Venezuela and Chavez's friends, as CNN says, it is all of Latin America). Having removed the president from his home by military force and then from the country, invalidated any authenticity of any claim. It was a tremendous mistake and they will have to recognize it and change the decisions they made because the international community cannot do anything other than maintain the known position. You don't have to be a victim. "The World" is not against Honduras. That would be to underestimate the understanding and organization capacity of the rest of the countries and entities. And for my part, I don't underestimate the Honduran people either, as CNN does, pretending to make the world believe that all this is Chavez's idea, Chavez's methodology, Chavez's objectives, etc. etc. as if the people of Honduras had no ideas, feelings, desires, needs and goals of their own.
    If the claim that Zelaya ends his term – a few months earlier – is popular and real, then it will not be so difficult to find a solution. Perhaps the solution is: return power and negotiate another consultation mechanism for constitutional reform. In any case, a reform would also benefit candidates on the right. Perhaps they should accept modifications in the Constitution but adding other modifications. For example, in the sense of incorporating Constitutional mechanisms to be able to force someone who commits crimes or abuses of power to finish the presidential mandate – determining what would be “Abuse of Power”. Everything can be legislated. If Honduras does not want to have a “Chavez”, then they are not going to have one. You just have to be more creative...
    And now I'm telling you in “Argentine”: stop fucking with politics and make a post about the new ASTER elevation data that covers the whole world with – at least – 30 meters of resolution!!!
    A hug to all of Honduras ..

  • g! July, 2009 at

    Thank you my friend Gerardo, I do not pretend to be complaining about international organizations.

    More my complaint is that all this mess is because of the politicians, some to do, most do not. Now we are all condemned by the whole world for interests that are beyond the word democracy.

    I wonder what the UN will do in such a polarized situation and be aware that the positions from both extremes "lie a little" and are right about a lot, in honor of tolerance. Deep down, we all agree on the goals, but the procedures of both have many unanswered questions.

  • Gerardo Paz July, 2009 at

    I'm back Don Alvarez ...

    I wanted to add to my previous comments on the current situation in Honduras that each people has the right to choose and forge the destiny they want. I am so convinced of this that, for example, I am bothered by the American excuses used to justify the invasion of countries like Iraq, in order to actually do business.
    The fact is that what has happened in Honduras deserves a deeper and more comprehensive analysis. You may be wondering what does it matter to me what happens in your country. But the issue does not go there. During the last dictatorship in Argentina, I wondered desperately and indignantly why no country ignored the de facto government and isolated it to take power away from it. And then I think of the majority of your compatriots who obviously voted for Zelaya. What will they be thinking? And I think of the backward minds of many economically powerful minorities in Latin America and how they must be drooling dreaming of being able to do something similar in their countries. You complain about the Organisms. I ask you: If you force Judge of the Nation and find out about a crime. Although no one has reported it. You find out about him. What are you doing? Well, you have to act “ex officio”. Because you are a judge. You have an obligation to take sides. You can't look the other way. What has happened in Honduras, forces the agencies to issue. They have no alternative. And guess what position they SHOULD take?
    Everyone believes what they want to believe, right? I invite you to take your truck and go see the bridge to the north of the city. Take photos of your break. I am sure that with your eye as a cadastre professional you will be able to see if it was broken by the flood (of which there must be many marks) or if it was blown up with explosives by the military. Don't think that "outsiders" have no idea what's going on. Perhaps a young Spanish reader may not “have an idea” of what is happening in your country. But the people of Latin America who know the mechanisms of certain minorities to retain power, we do know what happens. It is a matter of conscience Alvarez. You yourself recognized it in the first post. You cannot continue living with social debt. He who hides the truth knows that he is wrong.
    Thanks for posting all my comments. After all, it's your blog ...

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