What is stated in the previous section regarding the command line window is fully valid in all versions of Autocad, including the one that is the object of study in this course. However, from the 2006 version, a visual difference was incorporated that, besides being very attractive, is very useful when creating and / or editing objects. It is about the dynamic capture of parameters.
The options offered by the command line window are exactly the same, the difference being that the parameters (such as the coordinates of a point or the value of the distance of the diameter of a circle - like the one we used in an earlier example - ) are captured in text boxes that appear next to the cursor. These boxes also offer the same options as the command window and even some that previously were only in the context menu. Besides, next to the cursor we see relevant information regarding the object that we are drawing dynamically, that is to say, that information is updated as we move the cursor. Let's look at it graphically with the same example of the circle.
Suppose we have pressed the button to create circles of the "Drawing" group of the "Start" tab. Before indicating the center position, let's look at the elements that are added to the cursor and allow this dynamic capture of parameters.
Note that it is not possible to select an option from the drop-down bar with the same mouse pointer, since that bar is attached to it. Therefore, the way to display the options is by using the down arrow on the keyboard. This procedure is equivalent to typing the uppercase letter of the desired option in the command line window.
The idea that underlies this feature of Autocad is that the user, when creating or editing objects, can, when capturing parameters or choosing options where the cursor is, to focus their attention on the drawing area, without having to alternate the view between the screen and the command line window, although it is not enough to completely dispense with the latter. On the contrary, it is always probable that there are those who wish to deactivate the dynamic input of parameters, especially when they work on drawings whose complexity makes the smallest possible amount of elements on the screen desirable. To activate / deactivate the capture and dynamic presentation of data, we use the following button in the status bar.
To configure the dynamic capture behavior in detail, we use a dialog box that opens in any of the following ways: by typing in the command line window the “PARAMSDIB” command, or by clicking on the dynamic input icon of the Status bar with the right mouse button.
It should be noted that in future, when it is necessary to illustrate the capture of parameters for the creation or editing of objects, we will alternate the use of dynamic input with that of the command window, whichever is more clear in didactic terms. In some cases, we will deactivate one or the other as shown in a previous video.
The method to capture parameters for the construction of objects that you use will be determined by your personal preferences, as long as you master the working procedures when drawing.